Daryl A Brown

T 9603 7599

E brownda@vicbar.com.au

Room 2.4

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Areas of Practice

Daryl Brown is an experienced a trial advocate, having practised in criminal law, quasi-criminal law and public law for over twenty-five years.

Daryl appears for both defence and prosecution in a wide-range of criminal trials for offences such as murder, sex offences, culpable driving and drugs. In addition, Daryl also appears in proceedings relating to fraud, corruption and white-collar crime.

Previous Experience

Immediately prior to returning to the Bar, Daryl was a Crown Prosecutor at the Office of Public Prosecutions where he regularly prosecuted complex trials in the Supreme and County Courts. In this role, Daryl also provided internal advice on criminal law, evidence and statutory interpretation.

Significant trials include

DPP v Seckold (murder)

DPP v Lowe (murder)

DPP v Browning (murder)

DPP v Trotter (murder)

Operation Trench 1 & 2 (drugs)

DPP v Iliopoulos, Bariamis and Iliopoulos ($53b fraud)

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