Briana Goding
T 9225 7222
M 0417 397 743
Room 2.3
Areas of Practice
Briana practises predominantly in criminal and quasi-criminal matters, and related jurisdictions including serious offender and OH&S proceedings.
Briana appears in trials, appeals, applications and inquiries, as well as in Crimes (Mental Impairment) Act matters in the County and Supreme Courts. She also accepts briefs in in quasi-criminal areas, including coronial inquests, disciplinary tribunals, investigations and Royal Commissions. Briana has an emerging appellate practice and accepts briefs to advise on and draft appeal documentation for appeals to the Court of Appeal.
Previous Experience
Prior to coming to the Bar, Briana was a Senior Solicitor at the Office of Public Prosecutions, where she gained experience in a wide variety of complex criminal law and evidentiary matters.
From 2014-2019 Briana volunteered at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Human Rights Law Clinic. She has completed Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training through the Koorie Heritage Trust.
Briana has a Masters of International Law and Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts degrees from Monash University and an Honours Degree in Arts (French) from Monash University and Université de Sorbonne-Nouvelle.
Briana read with Ray Gibson QC and her Senior Mentor was Trevor Wraight QC (now Judge Wraight).
Recent cases
DPP v Green [2020] VSCA 23, junior to DPP Kerri Judd QC
DPP v Eckersley [2020] VSC 22, junior to Chief Crown Prosecutor Brendan Kissane QC (murder plea)
DPP v Parker (a pseudonym) [2019] VCC 918, junior to Anne Hassan (now Judge Hassan) (historical sexual offences)
DPP v Richardson [2019] VCC 512, junior to Nicholas Batten (multiple complainant, historical sexual offences)
Operation Seadragon, County Court of Victoria (drug trafficking syndicate)
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